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Turnier Battleships Crossfire 4v4 Tourney 1
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Battleships Crossfire 4v4 Tourney 1
Warcraft 3 - Battleships Crossfire Mod (Version: current version)
Double-Elimination, 4 gegen 4
Anmeldung offen
Dieses Turnier wurde keiner Gruppe zugeordnet. Jeder darf teilnehmen.
Keine Sperre
Turnier beginnt um
26.08.2011 20:00
Dauer einer Runde
Maximal 1 Spiel(e) pro Runde (je 240min) + 60min Pause -> 300min
Regeln und Sonstiges
Pirate's codex
§ 1 General rules
(I) This are the Rules for the Battleships Crossfire Team Tournament (called "tourney"
starting 01.08.2011.
(II) The general League-rules apply here ( - forum - Battleships Crossfire - League - Rules).
(III) All replays get saved and uploaded after the game.
(IV) All players participating in tourney games (called "player" or "players"
play in teams of 4 players, must not be from the same clan and should use the reconnect tool if possible (ask in forum if you have questions about it). Each team should have a unike teamname.
(V) Games will be played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon and evening. Each player has to submit a schedule for possible gaming times. Thereafter, the referees will date the matches for each match.
(VI) All players can use the Teamspeak server of Clan Boat.
§ 2 Decisions
(I) If any decision must be made which is not clearly determinated by these rules all ingame players except the referee vote what todo. If there is a missing player or a tie the referee votes too. If there is still a tie the vote of the referee counts double.
(II) If any decisions must be made the game gets paused by the referee and the players remaining ingame decide by voting what todo. If it's a tie the referees vote decides. After the decision has been made the referee unpauses the game.
(III) If any player has an urgent question about the rule the game gets paused by the referee and gets unpaused after the information has been given or if the players make a decision how to solve the question or that it's not urgent.
§ 3 The Tourney Jury
(I) A jury of people - who may not participate in decisions of games they played - decides if there are any problems or suspiction of manipulation.
(II) Any player has the right to call the jury to revise and redecide any decision.
(III) The jury can decide by majority-vote if the match has to be repeated. The jury can decide with a 2/3 majority that a player or a team gets disqualified (rounding down).
(IV) The jury can form commitees for its work.
(V) Any battleships clan can send persons to the jury if it maches the following conditions:
1. < 50 members: one person, > 50 members: two
2. clan exists > 1 month
3. The clan must refer to battleships in its name, must be known as a battleships clan or have more then 10 people playing on the league.
§ 4 Rule violations
(I) 3 PP (punishment points) lead to a disqualification from the whole tourney for a player or a the whole team (Jury decision).
(II) Any Kickvote or useage of 3rd party software except the reconnect tool and a keymapper is not allowed.
(III) Use of a cheattool leads to disqualification for the player and can also lead to disqualification of the complete team (jury decision).
§ 5 Referees & Observer
(I) Anyone not participating in the tourney can apply to be a referee. Referees get assigned by the jury. Referees should not be assigned for games where clanmates or players with close relations to them to play on only one side.
(II) Referees must not communicate with any single team nor any teammember in any way. Only Public chat is allowed for referees.
(III) The referee, a second referee or an observer can use an onscreen recording tool and streaming service to allow other people to watch the game - if possible with a 60s timedelay.
(IV) Observers should only stay ingame for recording and streaming. Recordings should be uploaded.
§ 6 In case of problems
(I) Each game get saved in a 20 minute cycle either by the referee or by a player (abuse = 1 PP). In case of a disconnect the game gets loaded from the last save.
(II) If one player drops or get any other signifficant error or bug the game is either loaded from the last savegame or gets restarted, if there is no savegame or if the error occures again at the same situation.
(III) If a player has to leave during the game the players vote if the game shall be loaded from the last savegame or if it counts as a loss.
(IV) If a player drops 3 times at different gamestates and without suspicion of manipulation the game counts as lost for his/her team.
(V) Teams can decide for themself to replace a player in a match if he/she cant participate at a certain match.
§ 7 Pause
(I) Game diapers are optional.
(II) If any player asks for a break, the others should agree to that. After all players are back the referee unpauses the game.
(III) If the referee pauses the game the referee unpauses it (unpause urself = 1 PP).
(IV) There should be no break during the first 30 minutes.
Runde 0: Battleships Crossfire
Es sind 1 von maximal 1024 Teams zu diesem Turnier angemeldet.
Folgende 1 Teams sind noch unvollständig
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Battleships Crossfire 4v4 Tourney 1
26.08.11 -
Frei: 9990
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