Vollbildmodus schließen Lansuite - Vollbildmodus
    Aquí hay noticias actuales.
    Tourney delayed
    Freitag, 26.08.2011 22:54
    Many teams who said they wanted to participate did not register yet.
    The tourney therefore has been delayed.

    If you dont know if you have enough time: We will date all the games during weekends in a way that all will have time to play.
    quote 7 Comentario (s)

    Teams for Tournament - Find ur Team
    Montag, 15.08.2011 00:52
    You want to play at the Tournament? But you dont have a team already? You have a team and need some more players in it?

    Post here and organize your Team!

    How to join the tourney:
    1. Register here in lansuite!
    2. Click on the left on party and register for the party!
    3. Click on touney and register for the tourney!
    4. You can join or leave your team now or at any time until the tourney starts!

    Maybe the registration will be a bit longer - we do not have enough teams registered yet.

    If you think "I am on holidays during that weekends" you can register anyway. The tourney happens on 3 or more weekends. If we cant date all matches in that time it will take longer. So no reason not to register!

    P.S.: Everyone who already donated for wc3bs.com can join the tourney for free.
    quote 5 Comentario (s)

    Welcome to the first real tourney!
    Samstag, 30.07.2011 23:54
    Welcome to the first Battleships Crossfire Tourney. This is the testing configuration of the tourney software called "Lansuite". Please use the forum topic in Wacraft / Battleships Crossfire / Tourney for bugreporting. If you want to report a missing translation then please also try add the translation - if you know it. ;)
    quote 6 Comentario (s)