 Battleships Crossfire X News:Hey Crewmates, Dear Battleshippers, Yohoho you bloody pirates! So many years have passed since we started the Battleships Crossfire X project in 2013.
Because its only us fans working on it, no investors or anything yet, there is still no releasedate for betatesting. We still hope that we can get the project
to a playable state. There has been alot of work already beeing put to it and it would be very sad, if we could not get it to a playable point.
Unfortunately we are all working in real jobs. I started my own office in Berlin since start of 2017. I work about 50-60 houres per week, mostly dedicated to help the poor, the pirates, employees,
rentees... So if anyone has juristical problems in germany, especially in Berlin, feel free to contact me over my office.
Still the facebook page is the main place to look for news and new stuff. The Battleships Crossfire X Webpage and forum are mostly offline, the league of BShips CF is also dead but there are some Autohosts by Clan ENT and Clan Dodo hosting Battleships Crossfire in Warcraft 3. We would love to give you better news because we still love Battleships.
In the Battlenet Europe we recently founded clan Dodo, which was inspired by the former fans in Clan Dodo in Asia but has nothing really to do with it. To those wo might get lost on the seas:
Thanks for the wonderful times with all of you, everyone! I will always remember laughing all night, hardest clanwars and so many good friends, mates, sailors and mermaids, which I miss.
May the wind always fill your sails for every course you set! Say_No_to_War aka Jan Meyer-Dulheuer, 03. July 2018
More infos on battleshipsxfire.com
Screens and more on Facebook
This page is financed by Say_No_to_War and donations
Current level of donations: |
5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 100 | |
| | News:
Recent Forum-Topics:by Ziadoma - 14:21:30 Thursday 29th August 2019
Some of you heared about the first Tournament we started in ages. We are happy to announce that he [b:6krgzxhq]final match[/b:6krgzxhq] will be played on the [b:6krgzxhq]07.09.2019 8PM CEST.[/b:6krgzxhq] The finalists are: [b:6krgzxhq]powerTrolls[/b:6krgzxhq] (Ziadoma , LaBrother , lesbo.archer , lube) [b:6krgzxhq]vs[/b:6krgzxhq] [b:6krgzxhq]TeamName[/b:6krgzxhq] (N.eb, Dy., Frydays, Sir.Hubbert) I will try to stream the games. The next tournament will follow soon. And we are trying to find an interesting format. The next Battleships Version should be out soon too. And if it is we will start planning the next tournament. For more information join the discord server ( https://discord.gg/Vzyq5nG) or contact me directly (Ziadoma#7794).... 4.71 Main Changes - Teamcolored HP-Bars (thanks to ?) - Added Observer/Referee slot - 8v8v5 players (Colors adjusted: Red-Orange-Brown-Yellow colors vs Blue-Gray-White-Purple-Pink colors vs Green-Teal) - New User-Interface with maximum viewexpansion by Say_No_to_War (thx to Spellbound, Unwirklich for PandarenUI widescreen) - New Sand Texture (thx to GolluM_KoMe); Terrain enlarged to the western beaches of the lagoon (as planed years ago with B.62) - Doubling works without a free slot (as requested since ever) - New Minimap - All Items show in tooltip what they combine to and if they can be doubled - Treerandomizer reactivated&improved - More random shells on the beaches - Many more Triggers now in JASS (faster) - Goblin Bomb Shop now sells Diamond Hull & Outboard Propeller - New whales spawn from the ocean (1-2 Minke & 1-2 Fin Whales / 5 min) - New Ship: Paddled Submarine (1200 gold, 8 kts, hull 600, armor 3, Dive (for 10-20s, 40-25s cooldown), Ram (200-450 dmg), Pull lads pull!) - Own Construction Turtle turn-to-move now at 60° like all other ships (was 50°, less M. Jackson style) - International Brigade&Strike Ship: Call of Battallion (Hook) now not on allied Trader; Startcam & Auto-Cam-reset on 3000 distance - Onboard-Weapondamage and Spelldamage now 100% (was 95%) - Goblin Sail now 1785 Gold Changelog 4.71 Part 2 - Shipchanges Crusader 9 kts (was 9,5); Rainbow Warrior Dinghys Cooldown min: 50s (was 40), Dur: 42s (was 45); Overlord, Frozen Ship: Freeze Water Cooldown L8 now 56s (was 60); Trade boat, Merchant: Shadow Replication Cooldown now 90s; Galleon: Board&Burn coolown L8: 45s (was 50); Missile Shark: Share Damage Cooldown: 24s (was 30); Trapper: Seatrap range to buildup now 750 on L6 (was 500), cooldown L6 44s; 7s timer for doublekills (was 6s); new gold/s (type -income to see more); Now 1 command/150s (was 300s); Carack: Magnetic Shield level requirement now 4 (was 5); Upgraded Stone Hull: 250 Hull (was 225), 1,75 kts (was 1,5); Upgraded Bronze Hull: 550 Hull (was 500), 4 kts (was 3,75); Submarine&Modern Submarine dive without stopping; Puddle Skipper less range 580-720 (was 615-720); Destroyer 8,5 kts (was  ; Trireme armor ... There is a self organized Tournament. Come to the discord to know more and ask Ziadoma.... And yet we are still alive! To find mates to play, please come to our discord channel: http://www.discord.gg/Vzyq5nGBlizzard seems to be working on the game again. There is also an announcement of a remake of Warcraft 3 by them. Now we have 24 players and the discussion is open: how many players should be in each team? What do you think? 7v7v7? 9v9v4? 8v8v6? 11v11? So many options. During dev we try to make all teams variable. Hard stuff, alot of click-/copypaste-work to be done too.... by Ziadoma - 13:44:14 Friday 13th July 2018
Battleships Crossfire is back on ENT.61! We are regrowing the community on discord and welcome everybody on board: www.discord.gg/Vzyq5nGOur server is dedicated to anyone that loves the game like we do! Swing by to keep track of the lobby, chat or talk with us. We published a Beginner's Guide to help newcomers have a great experience right from the start. Looking forward to fight you on sea!... Hey, I was offline for a long time. Even Clan BoaT got disbanded... I feel very sorry for that. I had to do alot of work, resort my life. But I am still sometimes online. Currently under my secondary account Bucharin. Working on debugging BSCF, reworking tooltips, preparing for the 24 players patch, get battleshipsxfire.com back online, server-configs. Alot of work, but only very limited time.... I think I am the only one and the last professional world editor for Battleships now and I am also professional Battleships player for 1500 range weapons with 3k gold ship to the end of game. I am ranger. I used to defeats a lot of DACI players in Battleships. I just got back to play WC3 1 year ago, and I was a Battleships player in 2006 to 2010 year playing all Battleships maps. I stopped playing WC3 because I love playing World of Warcraft. I started playing World of Warcraft in 2004 until now, and still playing, but in one year ago, I decided to play WC3 again too. I play WC3 and WOW now. Because I figured out that WC3 is still online. The Battleships game is still playing. But, I figured out that the maker of Battleships Crossfire and this website are actually gone when the year was 2013. He stopped updating the map of Battleships and this website. So. I decided to take a step in to own Battleships now and trying to bring Battleships legend back. I have been making my own new Battleships map, and I calls it "Battle of Warships." I started working on it in 4 months ago now and still working. Also, I playing Battleships Crossfire CMD game right now for testing the players and the map to find all the issues I am seeing, and what players would do. My name is The-Destroyer in WC3. It is my new name of WC3, but old name was Speed, Firebender, Turbo, & Quik, from 2006 to 2010 year. There are many new things and many things changed, many things improved, many new weapons, new combining system, new battle system, many new models, all shops and towers, and buildings, will be changed to a new model. There will be 4 same game maps, but different team styles. It will be 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, and 2v2. For when I am done with my Battleships map, and protect it from World Editor, and then upload it to Hive and EpicWar, I will run 4 host bots like CMD or ENT host bots. Contact me by email at chevycamaro250@gmail.com for the issues you are seeing in Battleships Crossfire 4.7.... by Skellyton5 - 19:11:58 Tuesday 12th December 2017
There are a few things I feel could use an update, and I was wondering who to talk to.... by THOR - 4:48:24 Sunday 23rd October 2016
was a nice map BS ruined by people like B62 who do everything to win, RIP BS crossfire....