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Official Battleships Crossfire League  FAQ
Last reload of the League: Tuesday 18th 2014f February 2014 06:19:17 PM
9546 different players are ranked & spoofchecked on the bot(s): battle-ships.
11439 / 11439 games have been added to the scores. 2250(rescan: 1) / 9546 players have been scanned for clan-memberships. 1292 players have been banned.

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Season May 2013 - Februar 2014: |Shuffle closed on 18.02.2014| (Clans)      
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Shuffle closed on 18.02.2014

Detailed statistics for hackar @ europe.battle.net - Clan BOAT - Player ID: 683 on battle-ships

Games played (with disconnects): 140
Games counting for this league: 13
Winner: 8
Loser: 5
Drawer: 0
Leaver: 0
Kick-Counter: 2 (0.077 kicks per game, Rank: 1254-1405)
Points: 340.49 (Rank: 353)
Kills: 31 (Rank: 1197-1219)
Deaths: 71 (Rank: 815-833)
Assists: 28 (Rank: 1471-1505)
Traderscore: 20 (Rank: 888-899)
Kill / Death ratio: 0.44 (Rank: 3306-3341)
Creepkills: 2534 (Rank: 1362-1364)
Dodocounter: 0 (Rank: 141-9546)
Loot: -47760 (Rank: 9268)
Gaming time:
Total: 109h 43m
This week: 06h 51m
Today: 00h 00m
Average load time: 39.7 seconds
Average game time: 47m01s (94% Stay)
Used Ships:
2x <b>Change to Sea <span style=color:#ffcc00>P</span>unisher (<span style=color:#ffcc00>1200</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Hull Repair, Life Drain</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>750</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>4</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Tiny</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An old orcish design makes this boat more sturdy than any other medium boats on this market. Although not very fast.</span>1x <b>Change to S<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>pport Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>1200</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair allied ships, Healspray</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>750</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Tiny</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship desinged to repair allied ships.</span>1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>T</span>rader (<span style=color:#ffcc00>500</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Trade Boat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>14</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Barrier, Hide, Shadow Replication & Trading</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>75</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>0</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Nautic Nutshell</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship made for trading. Adept at working in secret and breaking enemy lines without trouble.</span><br><span style=color:#ff1111>THIS IS NOT A NORMAL BATTLESHIP! ONLY BUY THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!</span>1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>M</span>erchant (<span style=color:#ffcc00>2400</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Trade Boat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>14,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Barrier, Hide, Shadow Replication & Trading</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>100</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>4</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>This ship is made for trading. Adept at working in secret and breaking enemy lines without trouble, also a little faster and better then its other version. Can use <span style=color:#ff1111>-giveall</span>cff33BBBB and</span> <span style=color:#ff1111>-give xyz</span>.<br><span style=color:#ff1111>THIS IS NOT A BATTLESHIP! ONLY BUY THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!</span>2x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>C</span>og (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Reinforced Hull Repair & Seatang</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>6</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>The famous Cog from the time of the Hanseatic League. Can repair fast and throw a net on the rigging (takelage) of an enemy ship.</span>2x <b>Change to Minela<span style=color:#ffcc00>y</span>er (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffcc00>Assassin Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Place Goblin Mine, Barrier, Silencer</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A fast, agile ship, equipped with Seamines. An orginal goblin design makes it pretty fast.</span>2x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>V</span>ikings Revenge (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Bombardier</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Onboard Ballista, Flare</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3200</span><br>Internal weapon systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>4 x Rocket Cannon</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An old viking warrior is selling ships here.<br>Thanks to Olofmoleman for the great models he made.</span>1x <b>Change to HMAV <span style=color:#ffcc00>B</span>ounty(<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Frigate</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Swivel Gun & Send Spy</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3600</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>The famous HMAV (His Majesty’s Armed Vessel) Bounty was orginaly a British Royal Navy Ship and under command of captain Blight. But Blight lost the respect of the crew so Fletcher and the crew organised a mutiny and took over the ship. Blight was set in the boat and returned to britain. The Crew of the Bounty found a place to live and settled down there.</span>
1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>G</span>alleon (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Boardship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Board&Burn Ship, Disrupt Beacon</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5000</span><br>Internal Weapon systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Cruiser Cannon</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A galleon is a large, multi-decked sailing ship. This ship was attacked and boarded by pirates, but the pirateship was damaged during the fight so the crew took this galleon. There are still some grappling hooks on the ship that can be used to board enemy ships.</span>5x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>A</span>dvanced Repair Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair Allied Ships, Emergency Fleet Repair, Ghost-Seaman-Crew (Aura Repair 5 hp/s, AoE: 750)</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5600</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship desinged to repair during battle and to repair the allied fleet between the battles.</span>1x <b>Change to Advanced Minela<span style=color:#ffcc00>y</span>er (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffcc00>Assassin Class</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Minefield, Barricade, Silencer II</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A Minelayer is expecially good against traders. Can also be use as a good counter against the freeze-flame combo because of the Silencer and Barricade.</span>1x <b>Change to the Battleship Po<span style=color:#ffcc00>t</span>emkin (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Weaponship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Extra Coal, Emergency Hull Repair & Abolish Buffs</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: <br><span style=color:#33BBBB>2 x Boulder Cannon, 5 x Cruiser Cannon</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get onboard the famous Potemkin (Knyaz’ Potyomkin Tavricheski), armed with many internal weapon systems. The Sailors of the Potemkin made an mutiny against their commander and the Tzar of Russia in 1905. For the freaks: The old film about this ship is free & linked in the changelog of Battleships Crossfire in the forum of wc3files.de lol</span>1x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>B</span>attle Royale (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Cannonboat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Advanced Captains Cannon and Send Spy.</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7 x Cruiser Cannon</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>18</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get the old and famous Battle Royale</span>3x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>F</span>rozen Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#3333BB>Coldship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Frozen Cannon & Freeze Water</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> <br>Internal Weapon Systems: <br><span style=color:#33BBBB>Cold Arrow Cannon</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>This ship is permanently frozen. It can freeze the water around it to damage and stun enemy ships nearby and can attack with the Frozen Cannon to do direct damage and damage over time and to slow the target.

17 games found:
Game IDDate and TimeStayGame NamePoints
425472013-11-08 10:43:3593m07s of 93m27s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #7515-33.69
420192013-10-24 21:49:5453m04s of 53m23s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #6987-15.60
420152013-10-24 20:39:4140m32s of 40m33s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #6982-10.72
419242013-10-22 01:19:3559m39s of 59m41s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #689292.24
419212013-10-22 00:13:4665m52s of 66m10s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #688832.89
418842013-10-20 20:41:2371m03s of 71m03s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #685117.73
414962013-10-10 04:36:4429m19s of 29m19s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #6462117.78
414952013-10-10 04:05:1516m32s of 16m33s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #646116.35
414942013-10-10 03:13:4248m53s of 48m54s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #646041.14
414932013-10-10 02:14:1549m17s of 49m17s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #6459-16.79
409252013-09-26 00:01:2400m01s of 03m59s (0%)BShips CF Shuffle #58920.00
376252013-07-19 23:38:0463m18s of 63m18s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #259051.15
365142013-06-17 00:09:2700m01s of 25m05s (0%)BShips CF Shuffle #14790.00
362272013-06-07 23:47:2700m01s of 35m13s (0%)BShips CF Shuffle #11910.00
362252013-06-07 23:03:4000m01s of 01m38s (1%)BShips CF Shuffle #11890.00
355572013-05-18 19:50:1069m00s of 69m03s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #520-15.41
355542013-05-18 18:28:0119m08s of 19m14s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #51863.42
Players in the IP-cluster of this player: hackar (europe.battle.net), setloard (europe.battle.net),